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Makueni County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for December 2019


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

  • Onset of 2019 OND short rains was early, first dekad of October as opposed to third dekad of October on a normal seasonal.

  • The rainfall amount received during the month of December was fairly distributed across space and time.

  • The vegetation greenness for the county was normal across all the three livelihood zones.

  • Quantity and quality of Pasture and browse remained good across all the three livelihood zones attributed to the OND rains.

Socio-Economic Indicators

  • Cereals and legumes were at the maturity stage. Maize was being harvested while green in the mixed farming livelihood zone while cowpeas was being harvested across all livelihood zones.

  • The livestock body condition remained good across all the three livelihood zones attributed to the availability of water and pasture.

  • Milk production was within the normal range.

Access Indicators

  • Milk consumption was within the normal range.

  • Surface water sources in both mixed farming and marginal mixed farming livelihood zones was good.

  • Terms of trade were favourable at 87.6 an implication that from a sale of one goat one could get 87.6 kg of maize.

Utilization Indicators

  • The percentage of children at risk of malnutrition decreased slightly though within the normal range.