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Livestock Market Associations to encourage commercial partnerships in East Pokot

CHURO, Kenya [ACTED News] – Amaya Livestock Market Association (LMA) is about to enter into agreement with Baringo County Council to share the revenue collected on market day as they also play a role for ensuring market security and maintenance of the market infrastructure. To build on their capacity to take up this new venture, in December 2011, ACTED facilitated an LMA exposure visit to well-managed Chepareria livestock market in West Pokot District-one of the best well managed livestock market in Kenya- to learn on Public Private Co-Market management. During the visit, the 15 LMA representatives from Nginyang’ and Amaya were taken through Cattle sale yard, Sheep and Goat sale yard, Pokot Tannery and Chepareria Town Council to learn and share experiences. This will have a positive effect on market transactions in terms of improving livestock markets in the Arid and Semi Arid areas where livestock is the main source of livelihood. In addition, it will also improve gains to livestock trade in order to benefit the national economy.

The recurrent and prolonged drought experienced in East Pokot District has continued to destroy pastoralist livelihoods through low productivity or death of animals. The recent heavy short rains that began in October have enabled regeneration of pasture consequently improving livestock body conditions which in turn increases their market value. In 2010 and 2011, ACTED with support from USAID/OFDA and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has rehabilitated Amaya livestock market in East Pokot, formed and trained a committee in charge of the management of the market; hence increasing the capacity of hosting livestock during market days and access to market price information that encourage livestock owners from further afield to use the markets. These interventions are gradually building the resilience of the (agro) pastoralists to drought as ACTED continues to build their capacity.