Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification Biophysical Indicators
The County received insignificant off season precipitation during the Month.
The vegetation condition Index (VCI-3Month) was showing a decrease of 6% compared to previous month.
The VCI indicated vegetation greenness above normal. The overall drought phase in the county was at Normal in September.
Forage condition was good across all livelihoods zones during the month.
Socio Economic Indicators Production indicators
All livestock species exhibited well to fair body condition and on improving trend.
Maize crop is in different stages of growth from flowering and grain filling,
Milk production increased by 18% compared to previous month of August.
Access indicators
Terms of trade were favorable to goat sellers in pastoral livelihood zone.
Water access for both human and livestock was good and stable in all the livelihood zones.
Milk consumption slightly increased and higher than the long term Average