Drought Situation
Biophysical Indicators
- The county received below average season rainfall which was poorly distributed in terms of space and time.
- The vegetation condition Index (VCI-3Month) was on decline compared to the previous month of September.
- The VCI indicated Above Normal vegetation. The county was in the Normal drought phase.
- Forage condition was good to fair in the Mixed farming livelihood zone and fair to poor in the Agropastoral and Fishing livelihood zones.
Socio Economic Indicators
Production indicators
- Livestock species exhibited good body condition in all livelihood zones except the Fishing livelihood zone that recorded fair to poor body condition.
- Land preparation and early planting was ongoing.
- Average Milk Production was below the normal range.
- No livestock disease outbreaks, or death cases were reported.
Access indicators
- Terms of trade were unfavourable and below normal.
- Household water distance was above the normal range.
- Grazing area to water source distance was within the normal ranges.
- Average Milk Consumption was below the normal range.
Utilization indicators
- The proportion of children at risk of malnutrition was currently stable compared to the previous month but above average.
- The average coping strategy index was above normal.
- Majority of households in the county were in the borderline and poor food consumption score categories.