Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
The percentage average rainfall to that of the long term average for January was 17.95% which was outside the normal. An average of 3.5 mm of rainfall was received in the month compared to the Long term average of 19.50 mm for the month of January.
-The 3 month VCI for the County was 51.14. This was within the normal range for the County. For Lamu East Sub County which comprises of Fisheries and Mixed Farming Food/Cash livelihood Zone, it was 49.35 while in Lamu West Sub County which comprises of Mixed Cash/Food and Pastoral Livelihood Zone, it was 58.51.
VCI was within normal range across most Livelihoods in the month of January.State of water sources was classified as 5 for the month of January which indicates that the condition was normal. The main sources of water for Lamu during the month of January were: - Shallow wells accounting for about 41.67%, followed by boreholes at 16.67%. Djabias, Traditional River wells, Natural Rivers and Lakes were third and they accounted for 8.33% each.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
-There were reported cases of livestock immigration from the neighboring Tana-River and Garissa (Ijara) County in the month of January. This was to seek for pasture.
- The general body condition for both cattle and goats was rated at score 5 which was moderate. The body condition for cattle and goats was fair in the Mixed Farming Livelihood Zone, between fair and good in the Pastoral and Fisheries and Mangrove Harvesting Livelihood Zones. The pasture and browse quantity can be said to be fair and is expected to last for about two months.
-Currently Drought risk is medium .Most parts of Lamu East subcounty such as Siyu, Kiunga,Kizingitini among other areas are still water stressed and water project under preparedness activities are highly recommended in that area, that will build resilience and facilitate implementation of early drought mitigation/response.