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Laikipia County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for September 2018


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

** Biophysical Indicators Rainfall:**

  • During the month of September, heavy to shallow rainfall spanning 0-3 days was recorded across Laikipia. Generally, the rainfall was poorly distributed in terms of time and space.

Vegetation Condition:

  • The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) is above the normal range for the period, indicating a good to fair state of pasture and browse condition across most areas.

  • The available pasture and browse is expected to last for at least 2 months.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production Indicators:

  • There was no recorded livestock migration for the month.

  • Milk production per household was above the normal range at this time of the year.

  • The body condition of animals was above the normal range for the period.