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Laikipia County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for March 2014


Situation Overview

  • During the month under review, the County experienced the onset of rains during the second and third week in most parts of the County. All Marginal Mixed Farming zones had reported having received heavy rains during the reporting period. The Pastoral (All Species) zones recorded heavy downpour with good distribution since the beginning of the third week of the month. In summary, all zones received an average four days of rainfall across the County.

  • The water levels in the County’s water sources were on an improving trend due to the ongoing rains which have increased water levels at the sources. Challenges of walking long distances to get water for both household and livestock use have slightly declined in most of the livelihood zones with few cases reported at Pastoral and extreme MMF zones.

  • The main water sources remained pans and dams, boreholes, natural rivers, wells and springs. Increased water activities were recorded at the traditional rivers and shallow wells.

  • Generally, water accessibility at all the sentinel sites was good without much constraint.

  • Owing to the ongoing rains observed at the sentinel sites, signs of pasture and forage regeneration have been observed. Areas which were devoid of vegetation cover are now green. The pasture and forage situation was fair to good across all livelihood zones except in some parts of Pastoral and extreme MMF zones. Animals that had migrated away from their traditional grazing zones have started migrating back.

  • The body condition of livestock was fair to good in Pastoral and MMF zones. This situation is expected to change for the better with the ongoing rains since there is the likelihood of the pasture and browse quality and quantity improving and increasing as the rains continue.

  • There was no major change in the average maize prices at the markets at Kshs 38 compared to previous month’s Kshs 37 during the month under review. The present prices are slightly higher than the long term averages of 2009-2013 at Kshs 34 in March, mainly due to inflation.

  • At the household level, Laikipia County recorded a 4% increase in the quantity of milk produced, a 6% increase in milk consumption. The slight increase in milk production could be attributed to the improved pasture conditions at the grazing areas.

  • There was no change recorded in the average MUAC (Mid Upper Arm Circumference) trend at 3.8% as at March. The highest MUAC percentage levels were recorded in Magadi (Olmoran) at 21%, a 2% increase compared to the previous month.

  • There were no major human disease outbreaks that were recorded in the County. However, there were minor cases of respiratory tract infections for children and common colds reported.

  • There are unconfirmed cases of ECF in the MMF zone of Endana and also cases of poultry deaths at Ndurumo. No other livestock diseases have been reported yet. Cases of crop pests and diseases have not been reported yet at any of the livelihood zones.

  • For the terms of trade, a kilo of meat is able to purchase 2.8 Kg of cereal compared to previous month’s 2.9 Kg of the same, hence no significant change in the terms of trade.
    However, the terms of trade are still favoring cereal farming zones since January.

  • Cases of human wildlife conflict have been reported across the County such as the destruction of crop by Zebras, Eland and Baboons which was reported in MMF zones bordering ranches.