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Laikipia County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for July 2022


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

• Performance: The County received on average 3 to 5 days of moderate to heavy rainfall across the MF and pockets of MMF zones. The temporal and spatial distribution of the rains was poor to fair respectively across the County.

Vegetation Condition:
• The Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) was below the normal range for the period, indicating a largely poor state of vegetation. This is collaborated by field observations where some Pastoral zones were observed to be having extreme vegetation deficit.
• The available pasture and browse can last for zero to one months, depending on the area if off season rains has not been recorded in coming months. Minimal regeneration is expected in areas that recorded rains during the month.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production Indicators:
• There were observed cases of livestock migration within Laikipia County and from neighbouring Counties in some cases resulting in conflict and livestock theft.
• The body condition of animals was way below the normal range for the period.

Access indicators:
• The terms of trade were below the long term average.
• The return distance from water sources to grazing areas was outside the normal range.

Utilization indicators:
• Within the normal range with some areas recording reduced food access due to increase in food prices