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Laikipia County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for February 2016


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

The County received moderate to light rainfall in February across all areas. The rainfall distribution was fair in terms of both time and space.

All biophysical indicators are within the expected seasonal ranges.
The Vegetation greenness (VCI) is within the normal range, indicating a fair to good state of pasture and browse condition. The pasture and browse condition in pastoral zones and parts of MMF zones is good according to field observations while in MF zones the same is very good. The state of water sources is within the normal range.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production Indicators - One production indicatoris still below the normal range for the period. Livestock migration patterns are normal for the time of the year. Milk production per household is slightly below the normal range and this is attributed to a low calving rate.
No livestock deaths due to drought were reported. The body condition of animals is generally within the normal range for the period and the situation is relatively good in the pastoral LZ.

Access indicators - As for access, milk consumption is within the normal range. The terms of trade (ToT) are within the normal range. All utilization indicators are within the normal range.

Since allbiophysical indicators are within the normal range, one production indicator is below the normal range, the EW phase is Normal across the whole County due to the previous OND rains.

The drought risk is low due to the positive effect of the OND (El Nino) rains. In view of the current situation, it is important to embark on drought preparedness activities across the entire County.