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Kwale County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for June 2024


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

▪ The rains received in June was 89.70% of the long-term average and was on a reducing trend with uneven distribution across the county.

▪ The vegetation condition for June was with a reducing trend from previous months with approximately 50% of the county having a normal condition.

▪ The state of water sources was reducing due to reduced rains from that of previous months.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators

▪ Household food stock levels was within the seasonal range but with a reducing trend. Most of the food stock being from the previous season.

Access indicators

▪ Terms of trade increased and was favorable to livestock keepers implying above normal household purchasing power in June due to high goat prices resulting from improved livestock body condition.

▪ Milk production and consumption was within the seasonal norms.

▪ Distances to water sources both for household and Livestock was above the seasonal ranges due to below normal rains.

Utilization Indicators

▪ The proportion of children at risk of malnutrition was normal, however, the portion of household having acceptable food diversity was below normal.

▪ The reduced coping strategy index was at and increasing trend estimated at 10.1 from 9.3 the previous month which was above acceptable range.

▪ Following the prevailing situation, the Food Security situation and the drought condition for Kwale County in the month of June was at alert with a deteriorating trend.