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Kwale County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for August 2021


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

▪ The first two dekads of the month received near normal rainfall.

▪ The vegetation condition for August was below normal for the month with Lunga Lunga, Matuga and Msambweni Sub-counties classified in the moderate drought category while Kinango Sub-county classified in the severe drought category.

▪ The state of water sources was normal for August.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators

▪ Harvesting was on-going for the long rains season crop.

▪ The projected production of maize, cow peas and green grams was below average.

▪ Milk production was normal for the month.

▪ No cases of migration or drought-related livestock deaths were recorded during the month.

Access indicators

▪ Terms of trade (casual labour to maize) were normal implying normal household purchasing power.

▪ Household milk consumption was normal for the month of August.

▪ Distances to water

Utilization Indicators

▪ The proportion of children at risk of malnutrition was estimated at 2.4 percent for children aged 0-5 years