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Kitui County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for June 2024


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

▪ The county experienced dry conditions in most places with light showers in a few areas.

▪ The vegetation greenness was normal and declining.

▪ Forage condition varied between good to fair across the livelihood zones, with a declining trend.

Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production Indicators

▪ The crop condition was fair, with maize at maturity stage across the county.

▪ Livestock exhibited a good to fair body condition with no cases of unusual livestock migration and disease outbreaks.

▪ Milk production was within normal ranges.

Access Indicators

▪ The terms of trade were above the long term average.

▪ Milk consumption remained stable and within normal ranges and similar to long term average.

▪ The return trekking distance to water sources increased but remained within the seasonal range.

▪ The 20 litre water jerican retailed normally at 2-5 shillings at source and 10-20 shillings from vendors.

Utilization Indicators

▪ The percentage of children at risk of malnutrition was higher than the long-term average but although within the seasonal range and stable.

▪ The food security situation declined, with 49 percent of households under acceptable food consumption score.

▪ The proportion of households that employed stressed and crisis food-based coping mechanisms increased to 17.1 and 0.6 percent respectively.