Drought situation and phase classification
Biophysical Indicators (Environmental indicators)
The month of September recorded average rainfall amount above the long term mean following off season rains recorded in 3 rd dekad of September.
The state of water sources was normal at this time of the year.
The 3-month Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) for the month of September recorded above normal vegetation greenness.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators
Livestock body condition remained good for all livestock species across all livelihood zones.
Milk production recorded an increase during the month under review.
Minimal harvesting of long rains crops was recorded during the month under review.
Access indicators
Average milk consumption recorded a decrease in the month of September.
Average livestock prices remained stable in the month of September
The average food prices recorded a decrease during the month under review.
The Terms of Trade were above the long term mean in the month of September.