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Kilifi County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for September 2018


Drought situation and phase classification

Biophysical Indicators (Environmental indicators)

  • The month of September recorded average rainfall amount above the long term mean following off season rains recorded in 3 rd dekad of September.

  • The state of water sources was normal at this time of the year.

  • The 3-month Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) for the month of September recorded above normal vegetation greenness.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators

  • Livestock body condition remained good for all livestock species across all livelihood zones.

  • Milk production recorded an increase during the month under review.

  • Minimal harvesting of long rains crops was recorded during the month under review.

Access indicators

  • Average milk consumption recorded a decrease in the month of September.

  • Average livestock prices remained stable in the month of September

  • The average food prices recorded a decrease during the month under review.

  • The Terms of Trade were above the long term mean in the month of September.