Drought situation and phase classification
Biophysical Indicators (Environmental indicators)
- Water availability was below normal at this of the year more so for Magarini sub county
- Pasture condition ranged between fair to good across the livelihood zones.
- The 3-month vegetation cover index (VCI) was 34.96 indicating moderate vegetation condition.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators
- Livestock body condition ranged between fair to good across all livelihood zones.
- Milk production recorded an increase compared to the previous month.
- No migration of livestock was reported during the period under review.
Access indicators - Milk consumption was above normal.
- Average distances to water sources by households and livestock recorded some decrease compared to the previous month.
- Food prices remained high and above long term mean.
- The Terms of Trade were unfavorable for the livestock keepers.
Utilization indicators - Households’ food shortages was still evident.
- Percentage of children under five-years at risk of malnutrition recorded an increase during the month under review.