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Kilifi County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for June 2024


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

Rainfall report. The month under review recorded 39.7mm of rains with fair temporal and even spatial distribution. Amount recorded was equivalent to the long-term average.

Vegetation Condition: On average, the county recorded good vegetation condition with some pockets recording poor condition.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators: On average the livestock body condition for all species was good across all livelihood zones. Average milk production recorded a decrease compared to the previous month with no disease outbreak reported.

Access indicators; Average distance to water sources by households and livestock recorded an increase compared to the previous month with milk consumption recording a decrease too.

Utilization indicators; Cases of children at risk of malnutrition recorded an increase compared to the previous month with Food Consumption recording a decline. The reduced Coping Strategy Index recorded an increase an indication of household food shortage.