Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators (Environmental indicators)
• The month under review recorded minimal to no rains compared to the previous month.
• The state of water sources on average ranged between fair to poor across the livelihood zones indicating a below normal situation for this time of the year.
• The county recorded on average moderate drought with some pockets recording poor to depleted pastures condition, a below normal situation for this time of the year.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators
• On average the livestock body condition for all species ranged from fair to poor across the livelihood zone.
• Season’s crop still in the farms recorded moisture stress.
• Milk production recorded a decrease during the month under review.
Access indicators
• Average distance to water sources by households and livestock recorded an in increase in the month of August compared to the previous month.
• Average livestock prices recorded a decrease for the month under review compared to the previous month.
• Average maize price remained stable compared to the previous month while beans recorded a decrease.
• Terms of Trade remain stable during the month under review compared to the previous month.
Utilization indicators
• The month under review recorded 0.3% cases of children under -five years at risk of malnutrition.