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Kenya Red Cross Elections Situational Update 3

Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) through its 64 Branches and 8 Regions countrywide continues to monitor the General Elections and any incidents emerging from the same with the intention of providing an effective response to election-related vulnerabilities.

So far, the Society´s Emergency Operations Centre situated in Nairobi has filed the following Regional Report as of Tuesday 5th March 2013 at 10.30am:

Lower Eastern Region

Relative calm has been reported across the Lower Eastern Region. Tallying of votes is ongoing and the teams are all on stand by. In a different case, fire was reported at Mukuru kwa Njenga, an informal settlement in the Region, at about midnight but it was contained by 1.30 am. So far, preliminary reports indicate that at least 200 households were affected by the fire but a detailed assessment is currently on going to ascertain the same.

Upper Eastern and Central Region

An incident was reported of a police officer who accidentally shot a presiding officer to death in Kangema. Otherwise, the general situation has been reported as calm across the Upper Easter and Central Regions. People who had not voted by 5 pm were eventually allowed to vote, thus cooling down tensions. Tallying is on going in both Regions and the KRCS team is monitoring the situation.

West Kenya Region

Voting went on well in most areas in the West Kenya Region although elections for County Ward representatives in Kuria East and Gwassi were postponed due to reports of a mix up in ballot papers . So far, tallying of votes is ongoing and there is relative calm across the Region.

North and South Rift Region

The situation across the North and South Regions is reported as calm.

North Eastern Region

Gun shots were reported in Garissa town last night but there were no casualties. A detailed report of this incident has not been available. Most tallying centres remain calm, a situation also reported in Mandera.

Coast Region

There were reports of clashes between supporters of two aspirants to the Gubernational seat in Mombasa. The injuries sustained in the clash were not weapon-related and casualties were attended to and discharged. Otherwise, calm was reported across the Region after polling stations that had been closed down were re-opened and voters allowed to cast their votes. All in all, a polling station in Chumaru was reported as not having been opened thus no voting took place.

Security has also been beefed up across the Region. The KRCS response team is offering psychosocial support to personnel who responded to the police attacks in Kilifi area. More updates will follow.