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Kenya Quarterly Update, (April - June 2023)



  • Annual work planning and renewal of partnership agreements with target counties

  • Finalization of capacity needs mapping reports for publishing

  • Stakeholder engagement to finalize County Logistics Preparedness Action Plans

  • Quarterly review meeting with World Food Programme Kenya Country Office (WFP KECO) Country Capacity Strengthening (CCS) Managers


Kenya continues to be exposed to a broad range of hazards, both man-made and natural. Whilst the most common disasters are hydrometeorological (floods and drought), others may occur. Their magnitude and frequency, aggravated by climate and man- made factors, has become more severe in the recent past, strongly impacting lives and livelihoods.
National and county stakeholders – including WFP – continued to scale up efforts pertaining to drought response in this quarter, even as the situation eased a little due to the onset of the March – April – May (MAM) rainfalls season received in most places across the country during the quarter. Noteworthy – unlike previous MAM Seasons where the heavy rains would precipitate heavy floods in several parts of the country – particularly Tana River and Garissa Counties – the season was characterised by depressed rainfalls. The below normal rains therefore did not result in any flood (displacement of communities and loss of livelihoods) or health (e.g., cholera) related emergencies.

The Logistics Cluster Field-Based Preparedness Project (FBPP) is centred on strengthening national supply chain resilience, enhancing coordination between stakeholders, and promoting a common methodology towards logistics preparedness. The core concept of logistics preparedness is to support local and international actors before an emergency occurs.

This is best achieved by working together to identify and address systemic challenges in local supply chain systems in a sustainable way, driven by national governments and actors. Globally, the project promotes a common framework while at the national level, this framework is tailored to each country’s unique operational context.