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Kenya: Mandera Floods Information Bulletin No. 6


The Kenya Red Cross Society's mission is to build capacity and respond with vigor, compassion and empathy to those affected by disaster and at risk, in the most effective and efficient manner. It works closely with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in over 185 countries.

In Brief

This Information Bulletin No. 6. October/2008 reflects the information available at this time.

For further information specifically related to this operation please contact:

Mr. Abbas Gullet, Secretary General, Kenya Red Cross Society, Email; Phone; 254.20.3950000 Fax

Dr. James Kisia, Deputy Secretary General, Kenya Red Cross Society, Email; Phone; 254.20.3950000 Fax

Mr. Titus Mung'ou, Public Relations Officer, Kenya Red Cross Society, Email; Phone; 254.20.3950000 Fax

Kenya Red Cross adheres to the Code of Conduct and is committed to the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable. For support to or for further information concerning the Kenya Red Cross programmes or operations, or for a full description of the Society's profile, please access the Kenya Red Cross Website at or the Federation's Website at


There is an upsurge of diarrhoeal-related cases in Mandera District, which is attributed to contamination of water after floods swept away hundreds of latrines. At least 133 cases have been recorded since last week, while 21 people are currently undergoing treatment in the district and private hospitals.

Kenya Red Cross medical team has intensified health education and water purification services in the district, including distribution of Aqua tabs. The District Public Health Officer has collected samples of the water for further analysis.

The flash floods in Mandera town in mid October 2008 left more than 428 latrines submerged or destroyed. The Kenya Red Cross Water and Sanitation team is coordinating construction of emergency communal latrines for the affected families. At least 20 communal sites have been identified in Bulla Nguvu, Boys Town School, Central and Qurale. It is also feared that current the short rains in Mandera District could worsen the flood situation in River Daua and cause more havoc on the residents and infrastructure.

Kenya Red Cross Intervention

Kenya Red Cross is providing non-food items and medical service to hundreds of people affected by floods, clan conflicts and the recent security operation.