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Kenya: Livestock Market Systems Activity (LMS)


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funds the Feed the Future Kenya Livestock Market Systems Activity (LMS) in six counties in Northern Kenya – Garissa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu, Turkana, and Wajir. The Activity strengthens people’s resilience to shocks and reduces the prevalence of poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. As such, USAID LMS promotes vibrant markets for pastoralists by contributing to inclusive, resilient, and competitive markets.

From October 2022 to September 2024, USAID LMS is assisting communities in Northern Kenya to cope with the devastating effects of five consecutive failed rainy seasons, the coronavirus pandemic, food shortages resulting from the crisis in Ukraine, and any market disruptions that resulted from the August 2022 national elections. The interventions are assisting communities to save on their development gains and to protect livelihoods. USAID LMS is also prioritizing co-investing with the government and leverages the private sector to sustain and scale its impacts.


USAID LMS strengthens WASH sector coordination and planning at county and community levels, contributing to harmonized drought mitigation efforts. The Activity also provides technical assistance and infrastructural support to major water utilities and water service providers to resume or maintain water service provision. This also promotes the county government's provision of effective, efficient, and sustainable water services. In addition, USAID LMS prioritizes the rehabilitation of water projects in at-risk communities, improving access to water, and promoting food security.


USAID LMS is stimulating the operations of existing markets by leveraging existing market actors to ensure a sustained supply of food commodities in local markets. The Activity is collaborating with traders, especially micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), local chambers of commerce, market management associations, cooperatives, SACCOs, cereals and produce boards, and other private sector actors to ensure sustainable food supply, especially grains, vegetables, livestock, and livestock inputs.


To achieve inclusive and sustainable growth, the activity equips people and communities with the skills, resources, and information to mitigate risks, especially for adolescent girls, women, and youth. USAID LMS works with county governments, civil society organizations, ward planning committees, and Livestock Marketing Associations. The Activity also strengthens the capacity of the county governments to manage rangeland and water resources and assists with the development of multi-hazard response plans to help the communities mitigate risks and disasters.


  • Over 35,000 livestock market actors in northern Kenya with 40% increased income. 19,982 women participating in various activities within 36 livestock markets funded by USAID.
  • 5,497 traders, (69% women) recorded a 43% increase in incomes as a result of USAID start-up grants. The businesses created 1,200 direct and indirect jobs, improving food and market access for over 100,000 families.
  • 5,000 women and 16,969 adolescent girls in small businesses through training, mentorship, savings groups, and cash transfers, to help break the cycle of poverty.
  • 119,184 households with access to safe and clean water through the rehabilitation of 32 water projects.
  • 70 cooperatives established with a membership of over 6,000 people – marketing platforms, providing access to market information, and financial services.
  • Over $2 million channeled to support 73 micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), aiding low-income families in diversifying their livelihoods, building resilience, and increasing their income.
  • 34 ward planning committees established with $8.6 million worth of community priorities implemented through the County Integrated Development Plans.


BUDGET: USD $15 million

DURATION: Oct 2022 – Sept 2024

TARGET COUNTIES: Garissa, Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu, Turkana and Wajir


PARTNER: Mercy Corps

Mission Contact

Ernest Njoroge, Agreement Officer Representative

Implementer Contact

Joe Sanders, Chief of Party

For more information

Facebook: USAID Kenya
X: @USAIDKenya; @lmskenya