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Kenya: Humanitarian update - Jun 2007


Inside this issue

- Food & Livelihood Security

- Cholera outbreak stabilises

- Kenya-Somalia border

- Humanitarian activities in June

- Insecurity

- Update on Mt. Elgon

- Cattle raids and border attack

- Humanitarian Calendar - July

- Preparedness & recovery needs

The UN Rolls out its Humanitarian and Disaster Management Strategy

UN agencies in Kenya have developed a Humanitarian and Disaster Management Strategy which was rolled-out at a one day workshop on June 19th. Kenya has an unusual humanitarian profile where high levels of vulnerability to recurrent natural disasters, conflict and insecurity co-exist with robust economic growth and strong national institutions. This Humanitarian and Disaster Management strategy encourages UN agencies to work together to support the management of disasters from prevention and preparedness stages through response and recovery.

The key intervention areas for operationalising the strategy are: Coordination, Delivery of Services, Policy Dialogue & Strategic Planning, Information Management & Advocacy, Capacity BuildingResource Mobilisation,

Humanitarian action, based on joint and multi-dimensional programming across traditional disaster phases will have a greater impact on building resilience and providing sustainable solutions to disaster risks. In this way, the UN will improve its support to government's own efforts to address gaps across sectors and along the development spectrum in the spirit of Delivering as One.

Four Priority targets for action: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Pastoralists, Refugees, Critically poor in urban areas.

Torrential rains hit coastal Kenya

An estimated 28,000 people along the coastal strip of Mom-basa, Kilifi, Malindi, Kipini, Mpeketoni and Witu were affected by heavy rains, high winds and flooding in June . 7 people died due to the floods - 3 in Kilifi and 4 in Mombasa.

Latrines collapsed or were destroyed increasing the risk of cholera, dysentery, typhoid and other waterborne diseases. Cases of diarrhoea and vomiting have been reported due to contaminated water. Although the rains have subsided in most parts, flood waters have not completely receded and damaged infrastructure needs repair.

The Kenya Red Cross Society's prompt response catered for immediate needs for the affected households. The GoK provided food assistance as well but less immediate recovery needs have not been addressed.

On June 9, five hours of heavy rain in Nairobi caused the collapse of a residential wall of a slum dwelling. Thirteen people died in the incident, including 3 children . Five people were rescued from the rubble with serious injuries.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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