Above-average short rains harvest substantially improving food security
February 2016 to September 2016
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Food security has improved significantly following two consecutive above-average seasons. According to the Kenya Food Security Steering Group’s (KFSSG) February short rains assessment, the number of food insecure people requiring immediate humanitarian assistance declined to roughly 640,000 people, a 46 percent decrease in the past six months.
Household food security has improved across most pastoral areas after the above-average short rains, influenced by the ongoing El Niño, supported favourable rangeland conditions. Most livestock continue to graze near homesteads and, as a result, households have access to livestock products. Some pastoral households have improved to None (IPC Phase 1), but the majority remain Stressed (IPC Phase 2).
The short rains harvest is ongoing and expected to be above average in the Southeast. Most households in these areas are expected to remain in None (IPC Phase 1) through September. However, in the Coastal Marginal Agricultural Mixed Farming livelihood zone, poor temporal and spatial distribution of the short rains affected crop production, which is expected to be 60–80 percent of average. This will lead to below average household stocks and likely increase the number of people who are Stressed (IPC Phase 2) during the lean season.