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Kenya: Floods Situation Report No. 3, 12 Jan 2010


This report was issued by OCHA Kenya with information received from the various humanitarian partners, Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), the Government of Kenya (GoK) and media reports. The gives a comprehensive picture of floods, response, needs and gaps between October 2009 and 12 January 2010.


- 30 000 people need humanitarian assistance following ravaging floods across Kenya

- Turkana East in northern Kenya is the hardest hit with five (5) divisions not yet accessed

- Twenty-four (24) people confirmed dead from flooding in eight districts since December 2009

- Roads, bridges and other infrastructure suffer massive damage; refugee camps so far unaffected by flooding

- Commendably swift and comprehensive flood response by local authorities and humanitarian partners highlights the level of flood preparedness.

- The Kenya Meteorological Department forecasts continued rains but with lower intensity until mid-January 2010

- Government approves spending KES 4.5 billion (US $ 53 million) for flood response

II. Situation Overview

El Nino influenced heavy rainfall in the October- December short rains season has left Kenya with 30 000 people in need of immediate humanitarian assistance. As at 8 January, twenty-one (21) people were confirmed dead, but more are missing or feared dead. Heavy rains on 9/10 January 2010 caused more flooding in Nairobi where hundreds of people were affected by flood waters, a building under construction collapsed in Kiambu and reportedly caused the death of three people. In Kawangwere slum in Nairobi, media reports estimate that 900 families have been affected by floods on 9/10 January 2010. Flood waters are reported to be receding, but villagers in some locations in northern Kenya (Turkana) are reported to have moved to higher grounds in fear of more heavy rains.

The GoK announced on 11 January that it has approved spending of KES 4.5 billion (US $ 53 million) for flood response. The treasury will be sourcing funds as only KES1.5 billion (US13 million) has been redirected from other budgets.

At the Kenya Humanitarian Forum (KHF) held 8 January, humanitarian actors updated on the level of response and gaps in the responding to flood victims. The government's National Disaster Operations Centre (NDOC) briefed that since the onset of rains in October 2009 to date an estimated 58,000 people have been temporarily displaced across Kenya. The Kenya Red Cross conducted assessments in various affected locations and estimates that 30 000 people need humanitarian assistance.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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