GLIDE no. FL-2008-000217-KEN
Period covered by this Final Report: 7 November 2008 to 7 May 2009;
Appeal target: CHF 6,179,532 (USD 5.1m or EUR 3.9m);
Final Appeal coverage: 7%
Appeal history:
- This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 25 November 2008 for CHF 6,179,532 (USD 5.1m or EUR 3.9m) for 6 months to assist 300,000 beneficiaries.
- CHF 211,787 was initially allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the National Society in responding by delivering assistance.
Summary: Following the floods and landslides experienced in Kenya during the latter part of the year in October to December 2008, the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) launched an appeal focusing on the immediate and mid-term interventions of the disaster. Districts in Western, Nyanza, Rift Valley, North Eastern and Coast Provinces were affected by the heavy rains.
Following the KRCS intervention, a total of 1,043 families were reached with non food items and a further 93,903 beneficiaries were reached with 487.4 MT of food while 100,000 beneficiaries were assisted with 710,000 litres of clean water.
The contributors to this Appeal include the Canadian, Japanese, Monaco and Swiss Red Cross Societies.
The situation
Nyanza Province
Following the heavy rains in Nyanza Province, there were reported cases of floods in parts of Nyatike Division (now Nyatike District). Heavy rains destroyed both farm properties, houses and displaced some families. After two days of the heavy rains, some families were able to go back to their homes which were still partly sub-merged. Eleven families were not able to get back into their houses as they had been completely destroyed. The affected areas were Onyodhi village, Bala sub-location, North Kadem location and Lwanda Konyango Trading Centre, both of Nyatike Division.
From the assessment conducted and the report from the area's assistant chief the following were established:
In total, 177 households were affected: 25 houses were destroyed and 152 houses submerged under water. Another 105 farms were also destroyed. A number of latrines were submerged and shallow wells in the area collapsed.