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Kenya: Complex Emergency Appeal (MDRKE023) Final Report


Period covered by this Final Report: June 2012 until June 2013.

Appeal target (current): CHF 20,419,397

Appeal coverage: 5%

Appeal history:

· This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 11 June 2012 for CHF 20,419,397 for 12 months to assist 465,844 beneficiaries.

· A DREF (MDRKE022) of CHF 314,208 was allocated in May 2012 from the IFRC DREF to support provision of immediate support to 20,892 persons displaced by floods in West Kenya, Rift Valley and Coast.

· Operations updates n° 1 and n° 2 and a 6-months summary update of the operation were issued on 3 March, 10 March and 8 April 2013 respectively to highlight the initial response and progress of the response operation.

Summary: The complex Emergency Appeal was launched in response to complex humanitarian conditions to support communities affected and displaced by disasters in Kenya, through a holistic and integrated community based approach. The emergency situations that needed urgent response from Kenya Red Cross National Society (KRCS) involved floods disasters displacing many communities, drought situations which created food insecurity, and conflict related displacement. Floods affected several parts of the country since the beginning of the rains in March 2012. Communities affected by drought during 2011 had not yet recovered and were experiencing food insecurity and high rates of acute malnutrition. The target beneficiaries were likely to slide into full-scale emergency mode by July 2012 due to erratic and unfavorable rainfall in those districts. Several areas were also experiencing armed inter-tribal clashes triggered by competition for natural resources and competing political interests associated with the implementation of the new Constitution of Kenya and upcoming elections.

This complex Emergency Appeal sought to assist these communities affected by disasters and at risks, through responding to the needs of beneficiaries affected by the drought, conflicts, floods, and other emergencies. The funds have also supported preparedness activities in Nairobi, Tana delta and western regions of the country. Escalating conflicts has been one major concern, during the reporting period. The funds contributed towards this appeal, have enabled the society respond to needs arising from inter clan conflicts in Tana Delta, Wajir and Moyale districts, riots in Mombasa, and floods in Western Kenya.

Despite undertaking the emergency response in a highly volatile environment, the KRCS, with the support of IFRC and Partner National Societies (PNS), was able to provide emergency health care through daily medical outreach activities to 33,434 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in 327 camps in Rift Valley, West Kenya, Coast region and Lower Eastern region. Further, KRCS provided standard Non-Food Items (NFIs) kits to the 7,956 displaced households in the established camps, and improved the access to safe water to 43,630 persons. Nutrition support was provided to particularly vulnerable children and individuals and special attention was given to persons with disabilities as well as individuals with protection needs.

KRCS also initiated the reconstruction of 430 houses out of the planned 808 houses for conflict affected and vulnerable households.

KRCS supported peace talks between two warring communities that resulted in the signing of a peace agreement, ultimately leading to the cessation of attacks and counter attacks between the two communities. The peace enabled the re-opening of schools and other essential medical facilities for the benefit of the communities.