Situation Overview
- Dry weather condition prevailed for the most part of the month; however, a 2-5 day intermittent rainfall was received in parts of Loitokitok, Namanga, Mashuru and upper Ngong. The long rains performance is below normal.
- Water availability and accessibility for livestock, agriculture and domestic use remained good. Distance to and from watering points was within the normal radii of less than 3km. Most surface water points (pans and dams) had water.
- Livestock body condition was good for all species owing to adequate pasture in most parts of the district. However, as in the previous month, there were reported cases of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Imbirikani and parts of Rombo in Loitokitok. Lumpy skin disease in cattle and CCPP and diarrhea in shoats was reported in most pastoral areas. Vaccination against the diseases in on going in the district.
- RVF vaccination was concluded in the district-419,092 livestock vaccinated.
- Heavy concentration of Wilder beast was reported in pastoral areas of Olturoto/Empuyankant, Isinya predisposing cattle to Malignant Catarrh fever (MCF) despite good pasture and water in these areas, livestock have been moved to other areas.
- Average cattle price were on downward owing to high supply in most market as most farmers sold their livestock for school fees as schools reopened in early May. Cattle prices declined by 3.34 % (from Ksh 10,894-10530) in April and May 2007 respectively.
- Child malnutrition rates is still high among the under five's. The number of children with MUAC < 135mm- (At Risk %) slightly declined by 0.72 %,( 10.62 to 9.9%) in April and May 2007 respectively.
- Food security situation is improving in most parts of the district. During the month under review most of the households interviewed reported availability of food at household level.
- Crops performance was good in areas that received good rainfall. The 2nd crop season in Lower Loitokitok (lower kuku-Kisanchani Empiron,Kimana) was characterised by total crop failure.
- Maize harvesting was on going across the district. Farmers supplied maize to NCPB- Loitokitok at Ksh 1,300 per 90Kg bag.
Recommendation to district Authorities/DSG and National KFSSG
Food Intervention:
- No general food distribution.
- Selective feeding to be considered in areas with high malnutrition in pastoral areas of the district ( southern parts)
Livestock Sector
- Redistribution of livestock to pastoralists who lost all animals.
- Disease control -FMD, LSD Vaccination.
Water sector
- Borehole rehabilitation, pan/dam excavation and desilting.
Agriculture sector
- Provision of certified drought tolerant / escaping seeds.
- Provision of animal traction equipment.
Human Health
- Establishment of causes of high chronic malnutrition supplementary and therapeutic feeding for vulnerable groups.
Current drought / concluded interventions
- RVF vaccination: 417,092 livestock vaccinated -Ksh. 1.75M from ALRMP to support RVF vaccination.
- Restock Redistribution by NIA: 400 small stock 60 heifers and 20 bulls in Ildamat, Enkeroni, Magadi and Kilonito to Neighbours.
- Ipomea Kituiensis control: 1,800 Ha under cash for work in central division.
- ALRMP water project: rehabilitation of Ololepo and Olbili borehole.
- Animal traction provision of 60 ploughs harnesses and Yokes in Meto, Namanga and seeds.
- Beekeeping ; 132 LangStroth, hives and accessories (ALRMP)