Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
✓ July is usually a dry month with a moderate vegetation deficit.
Kajiado central, south and east were in severe vegetation
✓ Water situation was fair in west, inadequate in central, east and
south. Strategic waterpoints in west getting pressure from
livestock, people and wildlife.
✓ Pasture condition ranged from fair in west to poor and depleted in
central, east and south parts of the County
Production Indicators
✓ Livestock production namely; their body condition, milk
production and prices remained far below the long-term average
with a deteriorating trend.
✓ Rain fed crops harvest from long rains was way below normal.
Access indicators
✓ The TOT continued to decline below the short-term average.
✓ Distances to water sources were increasing and longer than the
long-term average for similar period of the year.
✓ Household milk consumption was below the long-term average
due to low production.
Utilization Indicators
✓ Proportion of under-five children at risk of malnutrition was above
the long-term and on an increasing trend.
✓ The proportion of households consuming poor diet increased as
coping strategy rose above the five-year average.