The food security situation is still fair among the agro-pastoral zones but deteriorating in pastoral, casual-waged labour and firewood/charcoal zones.
Livestock body condition is good but the milk increase expected is not forthcoming due to mass abortion of livestock during recent rift valley fever disease outbreak.
Planning of crops was undertaken, crops are doing well but few people undertook the exercise as compared to normal period .This is due to delay in rainfall.
Recommendations to District Authorities/DSG and national KFSG
The EMOP food distribution should be initiated and maintained up to next season due to poor performance of this rain.
Constraints on the District natural resource to be continuously monitored and intervention put in place as rainfall performance for this season is below normal and resources are likely to get depleted before next rainfall.
Current Interventions;
1. Non-food intervention:
a) Health:-routine health activities is being undertaken, situation is normal
b) Livestock:-none reported so far.
c) Agriculture:-NALEP training in Kinna and Kilimani is ongoing
d) Water trucking in Dadachalafe in Merti Division is still ongoing, no improvement due to minimal rainfall.
2. Food Intervention
- No EMOP food intervention over April
- The following shows GOK food distribution to secondary schools and non EMOP areas.
Beans -50kg -600
Maize -88kg-1499
Rice -50kg -859
Milk -653 cartons
Cooking oil -1131
Wheat flour -50kg -200
Nutripack - 150kg-200
Previous DSG meeting and Recommendation:
The DSG was held on 16th April 2007. Issues discussed included UNICEF social budgeting, Dadachalafe pan and Red Cross Drought preparedness Activities.