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Isiolo County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for October 2014


Situation Overview

  • No rainfall received in the county. The OND rainfall onset delayed in all LZ.

  • The three monthly Vegetation condition index is outside the normal threshold. The current VCI measurement (25) indicate county is progressing to severe drought condition.

  • The state of water sources is strongly inadequate. Borehole and shallow well sources are yielding low amount of water. Frequent borehole breakdown is common.

  • The Livestock migration pattern is Abnormal while livestock body condition is at score 3 suggestive of Alarm drought status.

  • Livestock disease outbreaks persisted over the month (October 2014). Foot and mouth,
    LSD and CCPP were common in all LZ.

  • Average livestock birth rate was 4.3%(cattle),10.3%(sheep) and 7,5%(Goat).Birth ratedeclined by 0.8% (cattle),increased by 2.5%( sheep) and 1.9 %( Goat) compared to September2014.

  • Average Livestock mortality rate was 2.3 %( cattle), 2.0 %( goat), 1.9 %( sheep). The mortalities increased by 2.3 %( cattle), 0.4 %( Goat) and 0.5 %( sheep) respectively compared to September 2014.The mortalities were due to drought effect.

  • Average MUAC measurement was outside normal range. Current MUAC levels are 25%, higher by 4.1% compared to 20.9% recorded over September 2014.

Drought Risk is high. The drought risk will increase if the expected short rain is depressed, below average or fails, possible Alarm/Emergency drought scenario will occur in December-February 2015 dry period.Co-ordinated response/preparedness mechanism need be put in place.