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Isiolo County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for March 2015


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

  • No rainfall over March 2015. The drought condition is severe in pastoral livelihood zone.

  • Pasture condition worsened. Current Vegetation condition Index (VCI) was 11. This indicates severe drought conditions. Current VCI declined by a value of 10 compared to 21 (February 2015).

  • Surface Water sources worsened, underground yielding little water; borehole breakdowns common in pastoral LZ: kulamawe, sericho.sanddams dried in oldonyiro.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

  • Livestock body condition worsened in all LZ.

  • Migration is Abnormal within the drought reserve areas.

  • Livestock from other counties as Moyale, Marsabit and wajir are concentrated in merti and Garbatulla Sub County. Resource related conflicts are likely to occur.

  • Average MUAC measurement is 18.7%. Merti (35), oldonyiro (35%) recorded above current measurement.

Current Drought Risk is high. The county drought status is ALERT worsening.