Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
No rainfall over March 2015. The drought condition is severe in pastoral livelihood zone.
Pasture condition worsened. Current Vegetation condition Index (VCI) was 11. This indicates severe drought conditions. Current VCI declined by a value of 10 compared to 21 (February 2015).
Surface Water sources worsened, underground yielding little water; borehole breakdowns common in pastoral LZ: kulamawe, sericho.sanddams dried in oldonyiro.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Livestock body condition worsened in all LZ.
Migration is Abnormal within the drought reserve areas.
Livestock from other counties as Moyale, Marsabit and wajir are concentrated in merti and Garbatulla Sub County. Resource related conflicts are likely to occur.
Average MUAC measurement is 18.7%. Merti (35), oldonyiro (35%) recorded above current measurement.
Current Drought Risk is high. The county drought status is ALERT worsening.