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Isiolo County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for July 2022


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

▪ The weather pattern for month of July was characterized by intermittent cloud cover, lower temperature and strong winds during the day and night.
▪ Vegetation condition remained in a severe drought status.
▪ Forage shortage prevailed due to depletion of majority of grazing areas and dry season grazing reserves.
▪ Water availability was fair in majority of pastoral livelihood zones with increasing distances to watering points.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production Indicators
▪ Body condition of all species ranged from fair to poor though a sizeable proportion of cattle and camel were poor to very poor.
▪ Household milk production declined further and is expected to deteriorate further as the drought worsens.

Access Indicators
▪ Livestock market performance was generally poor leading to a decline of income. Food commodities prices increased significantly attributed to prevailing shortage of food stocks.
▪ Household milk consumption was low due to poor availability. Utilization Indicators
▪ Proportion of households with poor and borderline food consumption increases slightly, due to poor food availability and access.
▪ Proportion of children who were at risk of malnutrition increased slightly attributed to poor food consumption