Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
The vegetation condition indexes recorded during the month continue reduced when compared with the previous month. The current value 41.2(3month vci) is within the normal ranges for the month.
Water sources currently in use are boreholes, river tana, spring, and few water pans Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
The body condition of livestock is currently between good and very good at a score of 2-3.
Milk production continue to reduced and currently an average of 27 litres was produced.
There are normal livestock migration patterns in the county.
The terms of trade for the month continue to improve and traded at the ratio of 1:70.62
The return distance to water sources continue to deteriorate and currently livestock are trekking a distance of 10km.
The MUAC levels for at risk to malnutrition increased to11.4% .