Improving Community Flood Resilience
The Zurich Flood Resilience Project in Kenya worked with communities, which had strengths and resources available for mobilisation to reduce the level of risk associated with the impact of floods and increase communities’ resilience. Concern partnered with communities in Tana River County to develop ways to prevent or mitigate such flood hazards, adapt to and prepare for floods using local materials and knowledge. Working through various community level structures to leverage and reinforce community resilience pre-event including community early warning systems. At the national level, Concern engaged with key stakeholders during the development of the National Policy for Disaster Management in Kenya, which emphasises preparedness on the part of the government, communities and other stakeholders in Disaster Risk Reduction activities.
The project forms one part of a greater range of projects globally that span across multiple actors, forming the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance.
The project used a range of tools, including the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities, (FRMC) to assess resilience of a community and support risk informed decision making for flood resilience.