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Embu (Mbeere) County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for October 2024


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

▪ The county experienced few rainfalls during the reporting month, at 11.8mm

▪ The forage and browse conditions remain fair to poor occasioned by the effect ongoing dry spell.

▪ The ground and surface water levels remain above normal (10-20%).

▪ The temperatures ranged between minimum of 23 oC and maximum of 34 oC across both livelihood zones

Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production Indicators

▪ Land preparation for short rains season planting is complete. Some farmers have started early planting

▪ Livestock body condition remains poor to borderline due to deteriorating forage conditions and milk production remained stably low

▪ Milk production remained stably low during the month under review

Access Indicators

▪ The Terms of trade increased in the reporting month due to increase in maize prices.

▪ The trekking distances for both households and livestock remained stable

Utilization Indicators

▪ Milk consumption remained stably low and households food consumption was generally acceptable however some households entirely depended on markets for all food.

▪ The coping strategy index increased to 9.48 attributable to decreased livelihood activities and rapidly depleting household harvests.