Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
▪ The month of July has been dry, cold and foggy. ▪ The vegetation greenness remains above normal ▪ Pasture and browse condition deteriorated.
Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production Indicators
▪ Land preparation is ongoing. ▪ Livestock body condition is fair to good. ▪ Milk production decline though was above normal.
Access Indicators
▪ Terms of trade remain favourable and above normal
▪ Milk consumption remain above normal.
▪ Distances to water sources increased for both households and livestock.
Utilization Indicators
▪ None of the sampled children ware moderately malnourished
▪ Out of all sampled households, only 9% had borderline food consumption.
▪ Household coping strategy index increased compared to last month