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Kenya + 8 more

EHAGL Region: Community Feedback Analysis Report, April - June 2024



The EHAGL Region Second Quarter Community Feedback Analysis Report depicts valuable insights into community feedback across protection and other sectoral thematic areas as reported by the targeted populations between April and June 2024. The purpose of the analysis is to provide UNHCR staff and partners with critical information to identify and close gaps in feedback and response systems across the EHAGL region and enable targeted, responsive interventions and informed decision-making at the country and regional level accordingly.

The report provides an in-depth overview of community feedback collected through various channels and sources across the region, encompassing data from UNHCR, Inter-Agency Mechanisms, and partner organizations. The report compares key metrics against the quarter one report, which was the very first feedback analysis report produced by the region.

In the current reporting period, nine country operations including Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda recorded community feedback compared to eight that reported in quarter one. A comparison with Q1 reveals a substantial increase in feedback entries, from 28,421 reported in Q1 to 68,933 in Q2, with Kenya and Somalia contributing the largest numbers at 56% and 12.6%, respectively. This surge could be partly attributed to expanded outreach, improved access to feedback mechanisms, or a growing demand for services and information across the region.

In Q2, 47.5% of feedback entries were related to requests for information, and 41.2% were requests for assistance or services, marking a shift from Q1, where 58% focused on assistance and 36% on information needs. This increased emphasis on accessible information about available services, alongside continued demand for assistance, reflects evolving community expectations and highlights the need for clear, transparent communication.

64.5% of feedback entries (44,459) were received through UNHCR channels, underscoring UNHCR's role as the primary feedback platform. 22.6% were recoded from partner supported channels while 12.9% were from inter-agency mechanisms. Most of the feedback (77.3%) were fully addressed, which is a good practice in facilitating closure of the feedback loop.