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Kenya + 10 more

Eastern Africa Humanitarian Bulletin, Issue 36 | November 2014



  • Over 11 million people are living as refugees or IDPs in the eastern Africa region.

  • Upsurge in fighting and displacement in the Kivus and Katanga region.

  • ICPAC predicts more flooding in December 2014.

  • Chronic crisis with pockets of acute to emergency food and nutrition insecurity in region.

  • Internal displacement dramatic increase mainly in South Sudan and Sudan.

  • Scale up in response needs substantial new aid flows to be adequate.

  • Two more massacres in Mandera County, Kenya, 60 people killed.

  • World Humanitarian Summit consultations in Pretoria.

  • IGAD launches its Resilience Analysis Unit (RAU) in Nairobi.

  • HDX, a humanitarian information exchange platform also launched in Nairobi.


Regional displacement as of September 2014

Number of IDPs 8.9 million Number of refugees 2.4 million


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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