Period covered by this Preliminary Final Report: 13 October to 12 December 2009;
Appeal target (current): CHF 1,124,682 (USD 1,061,020 or EUR 749,788);
Final Appeal coverage: 18%;
Appeal history:
- This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 13 October 2009 for CHF 1,124,682 (USD 1,061,020 or EUR 749,788).
- CHF 161,487 was initially allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the Eastern Africa Regional office in responding by delivering assistance. The British Red Cross contributed CHF 42,180.
Summary: Intense, but sporadic, rains were experienced throughout the East Africa region during the October to December 2009 rainy season. These rains resulted in isolated floods and displacement of communities. The most affected areas included certain areas of Uganda, central Tanzania and most areas of Kenya.
With support from the Emergency Appeal, the Eastern Africa Regional office was able to procure two cholera kits, two water and sanitation (WatSan) kit 2, 330 family tents, 200,000 chlorine tablets and sedimentation sachets each. These items increased the level of emergency stocks in the region for timely mobilization.
Lessons learned: While this Emergency Appeal included planned activities related to pre-positioning of emergency relief stocks in both Rwanda and Nairobi, the customs issues experienced delayed the operation. As a result of the extremely poor donor response to the Appeal and after consultations between the Eastern Africa Regional Disaster Management, Logistics and WatSan Units, it was decided that relief items that were in shortfall in the Eastern Africa Regional warehouse were sourced and procured from Dubai and Europe.