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Kenya + 3 more

Dadaab and Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya | Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) Q3 (July - September, 2024)



The Kenya Cash Working Group (KCWG) launched the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) for refugee camps in January 2023, in an effort to understand the degree to which the refugee camps’ markets are functional, integrated, and responsive to the needs of refugees. This factsheet presents price monitoring of essential items in the Refugee Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB).

As of 30th September 2024, the refugee and asylum-seeker population in Kenya increased within the quarter to 804,594 persons. Among them, 402,191 (50%) were in the Dadaab refugee camp and 295,617 (37%) in the Kakuma refugee camp.

According to the National Drought Management Authority’s (NDMA) September 2024 drought phase classification, Turkana County, host to Kakuma refugee camp, was categorized under the Normal drought phase. In contrast, Garissa County, home to the Dadaab refugee camp, was classified in the alert drought phase. Drought conditions are worsening due to the delayed onset of the 2024 October-NovemberDecember (OND) rainy seasons. The role of weather, transportation and input costs remained significant in determining the prices of agricultural commodities.

Data was collected between 19th September and 2nd October 2024. *For more information on the methodology, please refer to page 9.