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Baringo County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for September 2017


Biophysical Indicators

  • The biophysical indicators show positive fluctuations above the expected seasonal ranges.
  • 178.0 mm of rainfall was received in the month of September.
  • The September VCI values for Baringo County, Mogotio and East Pokot sub-county were 67, 66 and 65 respectively. Tiaty, Baringo North and Mogotio are currently above normal ranges indicating normal vegetation conditions.
  • The Water level in water pans is above normal at 5 (100%-70%).

Production Indicators

  • The forage condition is fair to good in both quality and quantity and on an improving trend. The situation remains stable with 10% of the Livestock currently accessing pasture and browse at their dry season grazing zones with 90% having moved back to their traditional grazing grounds.
  • Livestock body condition is fair to good with improvement across all livelihoods.
  • Milk production is above normal given the prevailing weather conditions.
  • No Livestock deaths were reported in Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Livelihood zones.

Access Indicators

  • Terms of trade have improved and above normal range and favourable to pastoral livelihoods zones, attributed current weather conditions.
  • Distances to water sources for households are within normal ranges.

Utilization Indicators

  • The number of under-fives at risk of malnutrition stood at 14%, which is below normal indicating stable trend.
  • Occurrence of waterborne diseases is below normal across all subcounties.