Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Drought Phase: Normal- Stable
Biophysical Indicators
Most biophysical indicators are within the expected seasonal ranges.
Above average rainfall was received in the month of October 2019.
The Vegetation Condition Index values for Baringo County are above normal and stable.
The Water levels in most water sources are normal at (80%-100%)
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators:
The forage condition is good in both quality and quantity and expected to remain stable with the on-going rains.
Livestock body condition is fair to good in all livelihood zones.
Milk production is slightly below the normal seasonal range but on an increasing trend.
No Drought related Livestock deaths reported in all Livelihood zones.
Access indicators
Terms of trade are currently above normal seasonal ranges and on an improving due to improving livestock body conditions.
Distances to water sources for households currently are within normal seasonal ranges and stable due to recharge of most of surface water sources.
Utilization indicators:
The number of under-five children at risk of malnutrition was 15.9%, a decrease as compared 16.4% in the previous month.
Copping strategy index for households is still within normal ranges.