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Baringo County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for August 2018


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Drought Phase: Normal-Improving

Biophysical Indicators

  • Most biophysical indicators show positive fluctuations above the expected seasonal ranges.

  • Below average rainfall was received in the month of August 2018.

  • The August Vegetation Condition Index values for Baringo County are above normal but expected to change with the performance of the off-season rains.

  • The Water levels in water pans are normal at 4 (70%-100%).

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators:

  • The forage condition is good in both quality and quantity and on an improving trend across all livelihood zones. The situation remains stable with Livestock currently accessing pasture and browse at their traditional grazing fields.

  • Livestock body condition is good in all livelihood zones.

  • Milk production is normal given the prevailing forage conditions.

  • No Livestock deaths were reported in all Livelihood zones.