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Kazakhstan + 5 more

Kazakhstan — Migration Situation Report (January - March 2024) [EN/RU]



1. In the first quarter of 2024, fewer migrants arrived and departed from the country (2,975,788 migrant arrivals and 2,872,109 migrant outflows) than in the last quarter of 2023. The migrants from the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan outnumber the others.

2. Migrants from China, Türkiye, and India are the top three countries from non-CIS countries arriving in the first quarter for labour reasons.

3. Fewer migrants tend to obtain permanent residence permits in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period of 2023. Migrants from the Central Asia region tend to obtain more permanent residence permits than other countries. The second largest group is the migrants from the Russian Federation.

4. The highest concentration of migrant workers can be found in the fields of construction, manufacturing industry, mining and quarrying, professional, scientific, and technical activities, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries.

5. Majority of the Kazakh citizens reside in the Russian Federation, Germany, the United States of America, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Canada and Israel.

6. The volume of personal remittances decreased in 2023 compared to 2022. Transfers from Kazakhstan declined by 18.6 per cent and transfers to Kazakhstan by 51.8 per cent. The fourth quarter of 2023, showed a further trend in decreasing personal remittances which may continue in 2024.