Mobility Tracking Matrix (MTM) is a system based on the IOM's Global Displacement tracking matrix – (DTM)¹, and aims to track and monitor population mobility. MTM collects and analyzes information about mobility and vulnerabilities of mobile populations. This system facilitates the systematic collection and dissemination of information to key decision-makers on the needs of these populations.
The quarterly report is developed by combining secondary data obtained from different sources, including government agencies, international organizations, non-profit entities, and other types of organizations. More specifically, the report for the second quarter of 2024 was derived from data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bureau of National Statistics, and Border Service of Kazakhstan. The data was compiled through a combination of published sources and direct requests to the partners and government agencies.
The report focuses on the most relevant topics related to migration trends in Kazakhstan using currently available and reliable datasets. It does not aim to address all migration topics. Limitations of the data may arise due to i.) the unavailability of some data for the indicated period, (2) the incompatible disaggregation or breakdown with other data, (3) the methodology not being publicly available or (4) the data collection/reporting periods do not always align. For clarification, please refer to the sources listed in the bibliography
In the second quarter of 2024, the number of migrants arriving and departing from the country increased (4,001,714 migrants arrived and 3,832,829 migrants departed) compared to the first quarter of 2024. Most incoming migrants come from Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation.
China, the Republic of Türkiye, and India are the top three non-Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries of origin in the second quarter of 2024.
More migrants obtained permanent residence permits in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the same period of 2023 and to the first quarter of 2024. Migrants from the Central Asia region and the Russian Federation tend to obtain more permanent residence permits than other countries.
The highest concentration of migrant workers are in the fields of construction, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, administrative and support services, mining and quarrying, and manufacturing.
The majority of Kazakh citizens reside in the Russian Federation, Germany, the United States of America, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Canada, Israel, and Uzbekistan.
The volume of personal remittances sent from Kazakhstan in the second quarter of 2024 was estimated to be 157.2 million USD, with a 9.2 per cent increase from the first quarter. The volume of remittances sent to Kazakhstan was 62.9 million USD, which shows 13.3 per cent increase from the first quarter of 2024