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Flooding in Kazakhstan abates, consequences remain to be dealth with

As meltwater in Kazakhstan subsides, there are still measure to be taken to deal with the consequences and secure people's livelihoods.

Residents of some villages in Kazakhstan have begun returning to their homes after the floodwater subsided, Tengrinews reports citing the press service of the Emergency Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To date, the melt water is gone from 2,142 homes in five Oblasts of the country. Another 276 houses remain flooded. 10,017 people out of the 16,154 evacuees have returned to their homes. 1,623 people remain in evacuation centers. More than 43,000 heads of livestock were driven to safe places in the beginning of the emergency.

Out of the 140 damaged sections of roads, 63 have been restored. Nine bridges were destroyed and are yet to be restored.

According to the latest figures, 22,028 meters of temporary levees were built, 3211 meters of dams restored and 92,512 sack tares put in place. Also, 289,759 cubic meters of water were pumped out.

6,308 people, 1,691 pieces of equipment, 112 bilge devices and 107 floatation devices are involved in operations to counter the consequences of the floods. Works on pumping away the floodwater, patrolling the endangered areas, monitoring the water level, construction of protective shafts are underway everywhere. Work to clean up yards and evacuate property from flooded homes is also continued.

There is a hotline in connection with the floods in Karaganda Oblast: +7 (7212) 51-20-04.

A centralized bank account to raise money for flood victims in Karaganda Oblast was opened, according to authorities of Karaganda Oblast. They are calling on people to provide financial assistance to victims using the bank details below:

Branch of JSC Bank RBK Karaganda city
IIC KZ 098210139812154223
Code of Beneficiary 18

In Russian:

Филиал АО "Bank RBK" город Караганда
ИИК KZ098210139812154223
КБе 18

In Karaganda Oblast, works on pumping and drainage are continuously underway in addition to construction of protective shafts. In Nura and Aktogay District the floods started to subside and some residents have returned to their homes. The water is completely gone from houses in villages Sadovoye and Intumak.

Rescue teams are delivering food and humanitarian aid to the town Balyktykol. Rescuers are taking people and humanitarian aid by boats to the village of Kara. MI-8 helicopter is used to deliver humanitarian aid to the villages of Kulanotpes, Sonaly and Zhanbobek.

A decrease in the water level is now observed in the village Mayorovka, where 131 residents have returned to their homes.

17 residents of the village of Besterek in Ulan District of East Kazakhstan Oblast living near the river Kolbala were evacuated in advance. 65 heads of livestock were moved to a safe place. A round the clock duty has been set in the area by the Interior Ministry units, local executive bodies and other organizations involved.

It is reported that in the village of Karasu in Aktogay District there was a partial collapse of seven houses

In Pavlodar Oblast works are conducted to restore roads in Bayanaul and Ekibastuz Districts. 120 meters of roads in the villages of Karashi and Tendik have already been restored.

In North Kazakhstan Oblast, emergency services are continuing to monitor the flood waters along the riverbed of the Selety river; observation posts have been put in place. 722 heads of livestock have been returned to the villages of Kulykol and Karatal. In Akkayinsk and Temiryazev Districts work is underway to pump away the water and construct drainage channels to direct the water flow from the villages of Kiyaly and Stepnoye.

In the same Oblast, due to approaching meltwater from the fields, a threat of flooding to the village Mergen appeared. But the authorities acted promptly to eliminated the threat of flooding.

In addition, 63 sections of the total of 140 damaged road sections were restored. The latest round of evacuations saw 545 people moved and 111 heads of livestock driven to safe places. 6030 meters of temporary dams were built.

In Akmola Oblast one can observe an around the clock monitoring of water levels in reservoirs. Strengthening of levees along the river Nura near Kosshy village in Tselinograd District continues. To date, over 3,100 sack tare have been put in place. Additionally, 1,100 tons of inert material was delivered.

595 people were evacuated in Tselinograd District. Work is underway to strengthen Kosshy dam. Food and fuel have been delivered to the place of disaster. Evacuated families are housed in nearby settlements.

In villages Taytobe, Kyzyl Zhar, Talapker, Karazhar water is being pumped away. The delivery of food is organized to the population of the village Aganas, where 21 houses remain flooded. Work is underway to restore the traffic, 240 tons of inert material was delivered.

500 meters of road leading to the village Koshkarbayev were restored. The work on dumping and diking around residential houses in the village Akmol was completed.

Advance evacuation of 91 residents of the villages Zhanazhol and Otautusken was completed.

Villagers of Staryi Koluton of Astrakhan District were informed about the possible threat of flooding. Visiting round of homes falling into a zone of possible flooding was conducted.

Rescue teams keep 24/7 watch in Atbasar, where works on pumping water from homes and yards is continuing. According to recent reports, the water remains in the cellars of two houses.

In East Kazakhstan Oblast village of Krivinka evacuees have returned to their homes as well. The water tower was restored, as well as some essential services, such as electricity and telephone communication.

Meanwhile, a public fund to help victims was opened in Karaganda city. It is led by the chairman of the Oblast's Council of Veterans of War and Labor Oraldy Toregozhin. The founders are Director of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Madeniyet Bozhbanov, President of the Civic Alliance of Karaganda Oblast Natalia Vshivtseva, Deputy Executive Director of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda Oblast Serik Sanaubayev.

However, not all is going so smooth. Social activists from Astana faced difficulties in delivering humanitarian aid to victims, the leader of the campaign Dinara Satzhan told Tengrinews.

According Satzhan, five minivans with humanitarian aid were sent from Astana to Aktau village in Karaganda Oblast.

"We arrived there but local officials said that all the victims had been moved to Karaganda. We went to Karaganda, arrived at the hostel №6, where flood victims were housed and tried to give them the humanitarian aid. But the commandant of the hostel said that the city administration had forbidden them to accept aid. They closed the door in front of us. (...) As it turned out, it is harder to give out the things than to collect them. There is no clear coordination of the emergency situation," she said.

Later, the social activists reached out to the victims of Mustafin village (formerly Tokarevka) through social networks and delivered the humanitarian aid to them. At the time, 267 houses in this village remained flooded.

Meanwhile, the Oblast Department of Emergency Situations reported that they had not refused any humanitarian aid. "We have forwarded it to the village of Mustafin. But we did not refuse it, just redirected it to where it was most needed. (...) The Akim's office has a department of social protection. They are coordinating the distribution of humanitarian aid. All those wishing to assist should contact them," the Department said.

The Oblast administration also said they did not refuse the aid but on the contrary, created a centralized distribution center for humanitarian aid together with the Red Crescent Society. The collection point is working daily at #3 Krivoguz street. Their contacts are: +7 (7212) 414346,

"No person, no family will be left without attention of local executive bodies. All the victims of the flood have been put on record. Assistance will be provided. There are many announcements on the Internet about collection of clothes, food and money for flood victims. It should be noted that the local executive bodies have nothing to do with these collection centers. However, the Oblast administration is very grateful to all those indifferent, who sincerely want to help the flood victims in Karaganda Oblast and organized the collection of things. However, dear citizens, beware, there may be fraudulent cases," the Akim’s office said.

According to the press service of the Oblast akimat, three shuttle buses and a minivan with humanitarian aid left on April 17 to Bukhar-Zhyrau District. Three tons of food products were sent to the affected area: one ton of flour, 1.5 tons of vegetables and fruits, 800 kilograms of sanitary products and disposable tableware, and two tons of clothing and footwear.

By Dinara Urazova (Vladimir Prokopenko and Aisulu Bushtayeva contributed to the story)


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