Summary Key Points:
In the third quarter of 2017, 46 mortalities were reported from Zaatri camp with a Crude Mortality Rate (CMR) of (0.19/1,000 population/month; 2.3/1,000 population/year) which is slightly lower than the CMR in the second quarter of 2017 (0.2/1,000 population/month; 3.0/1,000 population/year), and to the CMR in 2016 (0.2/1,000 population/month; 2.0/1,000 population/year). There is an increase in under 5 mortality rate in the third quarter in 2017 (0.45/1,000 population/month; 5.46/ 1,000 population/year) compared to the second quarter of 2017 (0.21/1,000 population/month; 2.63/ 1,000 population/year), almost 2/3rd of this increase attributed to neonatal death. A decrease in mortality rate in the third quarter of 2017 was observed in 60 years and above age group, with a proportional mortality of 28% for this age group in the third quarter of 2017 compared to 48%, 28% and 30% in second quarter of 2017, in 2016 and in 2015 respectively. CMR in the third quarter of 2017 is lower than the reported CMR in Syria prior to the conflict in 2010 (0.33/1,000 population/month; 4.0/1,000 population/year) (1) , as well as the reported CMR in Jordan in 2015 according to the Department of Statistics 0.5/1,000 population/month; 6.0/1,000 population/year) (2).
14 neonatal mortalities reported in the 3rd quarter, with a neonatal mortality rate (NNMR) of 16.1/1,000 livebirths, and proportional under five mortality of 67%. NNMR in third quarter of 2017 almost doubled compared to the second quarter of 2017 (8.1/1,000 livebirths) and higher than Jordan’s NNMR (14.9/1,000 livebirths), and the NNMR in 2016 (10.0/1,000 livebirths).
CMR is influenced by the size of the population. Thus, despite the fact that CMR was calculated based on the median population in Zaatri in the third quarter of 2017 which was 79,843, the death cases reported in Zaatri are mortalities that took place inside the camp in addition to cases referred to health facilities outside the camp. Nevertheless, this system does not capture death cases that take place outside the camp who have not followed the usual referral procedures; i.e. cases that by themselves directly approached health facilities outside the camp and have not been reported by their family members back in the camp.
Taking the two above mentioned factors into consideration, the calculated CMR for Zaatri in the third quarter of 2017 might be underestimated or overestimated.