In Numbers
- 473,000 people assisted in December
- USD 6.5 m cash-based transfers
- USD 75.3 m (January-June 2025) net funding requirements
WFP Operations in Jordan
- In December, WFP provided monthly food assistance to 310,000 refugees in camps and communities, yet at reduced levels (USD 21 per person per month).
- Under its cash assurance framework, in December WFP concluded its annual verification process for refugees in camps and communities with a 95 percent positive verification rate. The process verified the physical presence in the country and custodianship of the payment instruments.
- WFP, with the Ministry of Education continued to implement the National School Feeding Programme in December through the distribution of date bars to around 430,000 students in the camps and communities. Furthermore, WFP distributed healthy meals to an additional 90,000 students in communities.
- Delegations from the Ministry of Education and WFP attended two important global forums in December: The Global Child Nutrition Forum and the Global Impact Evaluation Forum. The forums focused on advancing strategies for improving child nutrition, enhancing the effectiveness of school feeding programmes, and leveraging impact evaluations to inform evidence-based policies and practices.
- In December, WFP Jordan launched its first joint pilot with the Agriculture Credit Corporation (ACC) to increase farmers’ access to finance for climate-resilient agricultural practices. Climate-smart agriculture workshops were provided to around 200 smallholder farmers and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) participants in the agri-food sector from Jerash and Mafraq governorates.
- In partnership with the ACC and the global climate consulting firm Tetra Tech, WFP conducted a series of trainings on climate-resilient technologies and production practices for smallholder farmers and MSMEs. These efforts, with a new pilot programme, aim to enhance access to finance for climate adaptation within the agrifood system
- Under its food security governance programme, WFP continued providing technical support to Jordan’s Food Security Council (FSC). In December, WFP developed a monitoring and evaluation matrix to track progress on food security in Jordan as part of the National Food Security Indicator Improvement Plan.
- As part of WFP’s Food Waste Management initiative, Jordan Country Office, in collaboration with the Food Security Council, held a meeting with union associations from all governorates to discuss the requirements for establishing Jordan’s first Food Waste Management Union.
Support for Gaza Response
- The Jordan Corridor continued to face significant challenges in December mainly due to a lack of enabling environment in Gaza to receive the cargo. Around 70 percent of planned deliveries successfully crossed into Gaza in December 2024.
- Over one year, 2,916 trucks with around 40,339 MT of food and other humanitarian supplies have been transported by WFP and the Logistics Cluster from Jordan. In early 2024, WFP also carried out 10 airdrops in coordination with the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) and the German Air Force.
- In December, data collection for the Quarter Four Food Security Outcome Monitoring (FSOM) exercise was completed. The analysis and results will be available during the first quarter of 2025.
- As part of the School Feeding Programme monitoring, WFP conducted a second round of data collection to assess the impact of its Healthy School Meals model on women's empowerment and livelihoods. This monitoring is targeting women employed in the programme’s healthy kitchens.