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Jordan + 1 more

UNHCR Socio-Economic Update on Refugees in Jordan Q2 2024



  • Since 2014, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in Jordan has been monitoring the socio-economic conditions of refugees through the biennial UNHCR Socio-Economic Survey on Refugees, also known as the Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF). To better capture emerging trends between the biennial survey cycles, in 2022, the first Socio-Economic Update was introduced.

  • Initially conducted quarterly and tracking the same set of families, these updates now occur semi-annually, allowing us to track significant changes and identifying trends while still providing meaningful long-term insights. This report presents an analysis of self-reported data for the Second Quarter (Q2) of 2024

  • The report is divided into two sections: The first section provides an overview of the main findings for refugees living in host communities, disaggregated by Syrian and non-Syrian populations and allows for insights comparing cash assistance recipients versus non-recipients. The second section elaborates on the findings for Syrian refugees residing in Zaatari and Azraq camps.

  • A key limitation of this update is related to reliance on self-reported household socioeconomic status, which may be subject to reporting bias. Moreover, the data comparability over time may be affected by temporal factors such as economic shifts or policy changes.