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Jordan + 1 more

UNHCR Socio-economic situation of refugees in Jordan Q4 2022



In 2022, UNHCR Jordan initiated a quarterly analysis of the socio-economic situation of refugees in Jordan, with the main purpose of monitoring changes in vulnerability levels among refugee communities over time. Using the Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) 2021 data as a baseline, this series of analyses collects information from the same refugee families on a quarterly basis, to examine variations at the household level for the following sectors: economic situation, food security, shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and health.

This report is based on the analysis of self-reported data and provides a summary of the main findings for refugees in host communities for the fourth quarter of 2022 (04), while it compares them to results of 01, 02 and 03 2022, and 03 2021. This report also presents a summary of the main findings for Syrian refugees in Zaatari and Azraq camps, for which the survey was administered for the first time in 03 2022.

Vulnerability Assessment Framework 2021

The Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) is a bi-annual survey assessing the vulnerability of refugees registered in Jordan across multiple sectors. The most recent VAF population studies in host communities and in camps were published in June 2022, while the data collection took place during July-October 2021 for population in host communities (referred to as '03 2021') and October-December 2021 for population in camps (referred to as '04 2021'). Both studies explored different types of vulnerability across multiple sectors from a representative sample of registered refugees residing outside of camp settings across Jor-dan, while for the first time non-Syrian refugees were also included in the analysis.

For this series of quarterly analyses, we compare the results of each quarter with those the VAF studies. It should be noted that the VAF 2021 was conducted via face-to-face visits, while the 2022 quarterly studies are conducted via phone calls.


A random sampling approach was used to analyze the situation facing refugees who are registered with UNHCR across Jordan. The Q4 2022 respondents in host communities included the same 2,634 households as in the previous quarters. In addition, 1,207 Syrian households in camps, the same as in Q3, were included in the analysis. The sample size was drawn from the UNHCR proGres registration database. For host communities, to determine the sample size, three strata were used according to cash eligibility status: households receiving UNHCR basic needs cash assistance, households phased out of it, and other households (neither receiving nor phased out).