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Jordan + 1 more

UNHCR Situation of Refugees in Jordan - Quarterly Analysis Q2 2022



In 2022, UNHCR Jordan initiated a quarterly analysis of the situation facing refugees in Jordan, with the main purpose to monitor changes in refugee vulnerability over time. Using the Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) 2021 data as a baseline, this series of analyses collects information repeatedly from the same refugee families on a quarterly basis, to examine variations at the house-hold level for the following sectors: economic vulnerability (including livelihoods), food security, shelter, WASH, and health.

This report provides a summary of the main findings for refugees in host communities for the second quarter of 2022 (Q2), while it compares them with the results of the previous quarter (Q1) and the Q3 2021 results. As part of the Q2 2022 analysis, questions were added to the economic vulnerability and health sections, relating to refugees’ economic sentiment, access to essential goods and services (including being able to pay for electricity bills), and access to public health facilities.